February 19, 2025
Threesome Sex Positions

5 Threesome Sex Positions You Must Try! [The Illustrated Guide]

If you want to try threesome sex positions then you aren’t alone.

Threesomes are a widespread sexual fantasy and they can be thrilling!

But with so many limbs, mouths, and holes to position, it’s best to have a game plan before you turn your fantasy into a reality!

Threesome Sex Positions can take many forms. It could be that you’re single and want to find two other like-minded singletons. Maybe you and your partner are looking to invite a special guest.

Or perhaps you’re fantasizing about being the third party for another sexy couple’s ménage à trois!

But don’t hesitate to adapt these Best Threesome Sex Positions to suit your needs. You can penetrate your partner(s) with your fingers, a strap-on dildo, or a sex toy, regardless of whether the ‘giver’ is a male or female.

It is not necessary for the ‘receiver’ to be a woman in any position.

We can help you minimize the chances of things going wrong or getting weird during your threesome, regardless of your gender or sexual orientation!

Throughout today’s post, we’ll share some of the hottest threesome positions.

Even better, you can put what you’ve learned into practice tonight and see incredible results!


Why Have a Threesome?

The experience is all about having fun and fulfilling your fantasies if you are single and want to find two other unattached people to have a threesome with!

Threesomes give you the opportunity to try new positions, explore your sexuality, and learn more about yourself.

The threesome gives single people a chance to ‘play’ and become more creative in the bedroom, even if they’ve always fantasized about being the third party in another couple’s relationship.

Threesomes are almost as beneficial as they are harmful to couples, so be careful!

In the bedroom, a threesome can keep things interesting and fresh while allowing you and your partner to fulfill your fantasies.

You can get turned on by watching your partner have an intimate moment with someone else!


The Best MMF Threesome Positions

Are two men better than one? You’re in the right place!

The sexual preferences of the three people involved can determine the tameness or wildness of male-male-female (MMF) threesomes.

From the easiest to the wildest, We’ve ranked these positions by complexity!


  1. The Oral Overload

An Oral Overload position will help calm your frayed nerves when you’re starting an MMF threesome.


  1. The Face Fuck

Then you’ll love exploring this fun position if you’re a blowjob and facial fanatic!

Lying on her back, she rests her head on some pillows. Using his best cunnilingus moves, the first guy eats her pussy.


  1. The Change-Up

Women kneel between the two men in the classic Change-Up position.

Then she can switch between fellating one guy and providing hand relief to another.


  1. The Peeping Tom

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to watch another couple have sex, or if you’ve fantasized about watching your partner with someone else, Peeping Tom is sure to satisfy you!

In any sex position they like, like Doggy Style, the woman has sex with one of the men.

Watching and enjoying himself is the second man’s pleasure.


  1. The Doggy Blowjob

Bringing together two of the greatest sex positions – the lying blowjob and the doggie blowjob – the Doggy Blowjob is truly mind-blowing!


  1. The Tower Bridge

The Tower Bridge position is probably the most famous of all threesome positions, where the woman is penetrated from behind while the other is blown off!

For some of the FFM Threesome Sex Positions read below.


The 5 FFM Threesome Sex Positions

There are some great male-female-female threesome positions here for those who think two women make a hot crowd!

These positions have been ranked from easiest to wildest in order of complexity!


  1. The Daisy Petal

Daisy Petals offer three-way oral stimulation to ensure that your MFF fantasy starts off hot!


  1. The Emmanuel Blowjob

What better way to get your pulse racing than with some simultaneous cunnilingus and blowjobs?


  1. The Daisy Chain

One of the most classic threesome positions you should master is this one.

There are three people performing oral on each other simultaneously in the Daisy Chain, a variation of the classic sideways 69 positions, the Scorpio.


  1. Double Oral

By moving from the Daisy Petal or Daisy Chain position, you will be able to explore uncharted territory in the Double Oral position!


  1. The Voyeur

When moving from an oral sex threesome position to a penetrative one, can be challenging. It’s easy to ease into proceedings with the Voyeur.


The Conclusion – Threesome Sex Positions

The more you understand the different types of play that can happen in a three-way, the easier it is to grasp just how many types of threesome sex positions there really are, as evidenced by the positions that you’ll be trying and loving above.

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