February 19, 2025
Myths about Premature Ejaculation

6 Myths about Premature Ejaculation You Should Stop Believing

In their lifetime, no man hasn’t suffered premature ejaculation. You’ll be surprised if you hear a man tell about his own premature ejaculation experience.

Sexual complaints are often viewed as embarrassing by men. The things that they love the most during sex – whether it be erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation – are taboos that are not whispered to their lovers.

Our purpose here is to debunk some Myths about Premature Ejaculation.

There is a simple reason for this. Our goal is to remove any unnecessary Premature Ejaculation Myths and Facts.

Because you won’t talk, let us tell you what we know in hopes that it will help you realize that PE isn’t such a big deal after all.


Myths And Facts About Premature Ejaculation

Below we have discussed the top six  Myths And Truths About Premature Ejaculation for you:


Myth #1: Those who suffer from premature ejaculation are extremely anxious

Anxiety levels in men with PE are similar to those of men without PE.

PE may be caused by anxiety, but there are several other factors as well. PE may not be caused by anxiety for other men.

There is no cure for premature ejaculation

Symptoms of PE can be improved with professional treatment. PE is typically situation-dependent. Few men have PE with every partner.

A new partner often experiences PE, but not a long-term partner. PE is not always experienced with each partner. Experiences of PE may decrease over time.


Fact #2: Premature Ejaculation becomes less common as we age.

Almost everyone experiences PE at some point in their lives. Throughout adolescence and middle age, PE remains prevalent.

It becomes more prevalent around age 50. Future PE experiences may level off in some cases.


Myth #3: The “Squeezing” or “Stop/Start” techniques work

Stop/start techniques are generally ineffective. Ignore everything you’ve heard about them.

They may even complicate matters. The main issue with this technique is that stopping every minute or couple of minutes can be frustrating for your partner.

Focus on a relaxation technique that works for you instead of the stop/start technique.

By relaxing and controlling the ejaculatory muscles, premature ejaculating can be delayed.

The next myth follows, however.


Myth #4: A partner of a man who exhibits premature ejaculation finds it very distressing

It is not uncommon for PE sufferers to experience more stress in their everyday lives because they worry about how they’ll perform, whether their partner will be satisfied with them and if they’re happy.

This can cause them further distress, weighing heavily on their minds. Women, however, feel less stressed than men about their partners’ PE.

A person’s distressing feelings are normally a reaction to their partner’s suffering in that situation.

PE is diagnosed if men ejaculate within two minutes of insertion.

Many survey participants reported longer than two minutes of physical activity.

Limiting intercourse to two minutes misses the point. It’s not the duration that’s the issue, but the inability to control the timing of ejaculation, regardless of how long things last.


#Myth 5: PE decreases with age.

Supposedly, PE is mainly a problem for the young.

Women who have not had enough sexual experience or have not had enough contact with women are more likely to ejaculate earlier.

You gain more control over yourself as you gain more experience.

However, a study done by a Belgian university shows that the prevalence of PE among men remains from their teens through their 50s.


#Myth 6: if you have PE, you will have it your whole life.

Premature ejaculation is viewed as a curse by most men and is passed down from one generation to the next.

Sexual ejaculation may be controlled by changing partners, and by changing situations.


The Bottom Line

This article should prove useful to you. Many men have a problem with premature ejaculation, which can be treated. You just have to avoid getting into more trouble. Relax and have fun.

PE can be overcome without transforming one’s personality.

Most men need to slow the pace of lovemaking by taking deep breaths, playing with laughter, using mutual whole-body massages that include the genitals without concentrating on them, and using massage that disperses arousal around the entire body and relieves pressure in the penis. It also helps to have a woman at the top.

Men in the woman-on-top position can lie supine and relax, compared to missionaries, who must work to support themselves on top of women.


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