February 19, 2025
ED Exercises

Erectile Dysfunction Exercises : How They Work? A Guide To Cure ED

An erection is impossible for a man when he has erectile dysfunction. Many men suffer from erectile dysfunction.

Some muscles, especially those necessary for erection maintenance, lose strength and tone.

Exercise therefore can assist in reversing erectile dysfunction (ED).

In this review, we have discussed the top 5 exercises that can help you fight this obstacle.

So let’s get to the top Erectile Dysfunction Exercises


Exercise To Increase Blood Flow To Pennis Naturally

If you treat the cause of ED instead of simply treating the symptoms, you will see long-term results. Some medications do not work for everyone.

Erectile dysfunction can also be a psychological problem. In such situations, talking therapy may be beneficial.

Strengthening pelvic floor muscles may be beneficial for people with ED.

A pelvic floor muscle’s job is to maintain blood flow to the penis and erections.

Muscles exert pressure on the penile veins. A result of the pressure is that blood cannot leave the area, allowing an erection.

Below we have discussed the most popular exercises for you to prevent ED from happening:


  1. Activating the pelvic floor while sitting

  • Put your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart, and place your arms by your sides.
  • Activate your pelvic floor muscles for three counts, then release for three counts.
  • Be sure that you are not contracting your stomach, legs, or buttocks.


  1. Activating the pelvic floor while standing

  • Standing straight with the feet hip-width apart and with the arms by the sides.
  • When you have activated the pelvic floor muscles three times, then you should release them three times.
  • Avoid contracting the muscles in the stomach, buttocks, and legs.

Adding movement to Kegel exercises can be helpful once a person is comfortable doing them three times a day.


  1. Knee fallouts

Exercises like this are good for beginners because they involve small movements.

  • The knees should be bent, the feet should be flat on the floor, and the arms should be by your sides.
  • Maintain neutral spinal alignment with a small space between the middle of the back and the floor.
  • Lie on one knee, and exhale as you squeeze your pelvic floor muscles. Maintain activation of the pelvic floor muscles as you lower the pelvis as far as possible. Make sure the pelvis remains stable.
  • Take a deep breath, let go, and bend your knees again.
  • You can do this on either side.
  • Begin with four or five repetitions on either side and increase accordingly.


  1. Supine foot raises

It involves small movements and builds on knee fallouts.

  • Kneel down on the floor with your feet flat on the floor and your arms by your sides.
  • Lift one foot slowly off the ground while exhaling and engaging the pelvic floor muscles. Stay as still as you can.
  • Bring your foot down with an inhale.
  • Rotate your feet.


  1. Pelvic curl

Pilates uses this exercise frequently.

  • Then bend your knees, place your feet flat on the ground, and rest your arms by your sides.
  • Make sure your spine is neutral, and that there is a small distance between your back and the floor.
  • Breathe out and contract your pelvic floor muscles.
  • While pressing the back flat against the floor, tilt the pelvis upward toward the belly button.
  • Lift your buttocks slowly while grasping your heels.
  • While lifting your buttocks and your back, squeeze your buttocks.
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed while lifting your back.
  • Squeeze the pelvic floor muscles and take three deep breaths.
  • As you slowly lower your back and buttocks to the floor, move vertebrae by vertebra.
  • Perform three to four repetitions at first, and then build up to ten.


Yoga For Erectile Dysfunction Exercises

You can beat erectile dysfunction by practicing yoga, which increases testosterone levels in your body and increases blood flow to your pelvis.

Let’s see how asanas will help us on this day.

ED can be managed with these yoga poses, which promote relaxation and blood flow.

Below are the five popular yoga poses for you:

  • Paschimottanasana
  • Uttanasana
  • Baddha Konasana
  • Janu Sirsasana
  • Dhanurasana


The Final Word

Changing one’s lifestyle will often improve one’s ED.

Furthermore, they should reduce the need for medication on a long-term basis and promote overall health.

ED can be reduced or eliminated by making dietary adjustments and exercising, particularly those that target the pelvic floor muscles.


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