February 19, 2025
HIIT For Testosterone Boost

Does HIIT Build Muscle And Boost Testosterone?

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to increase testosterone levels more than steady-state training.

There is no question that we seek the shortest path to success.

There is no other option than diligent work in most cases if you want to speed up results.

HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) is proven to be more beneficial to your T levels than long runs on the treadmill, also known as the best Testosterone Boosting Workout Program.

This will be explored in this article. 


What Is HIIT?

High-intensity interval training is an acronym for the term.

The method is also called ‘burst training’ or ‘sprint interval training’ and is a more efficient way to do cardio, both indoors and outdoors.

HIIT consists of short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by rest or low-intensity exercise; for example, a sprint of 15 seconds followed by 45 seconds of walking or light jogging.

You decide how long you want to spend doing HIIT.

Therefore, most athletes prefer to perform steady-state cardio between 10 and 45 minutes, so you can see why it is more time-efficient than steady-state cardio.


How To Increase Testosterone Levels Quickly?

Now, what about HIIT and Testosterone?

This type of workout has been shown to increase testosterone levels in several studies.

To maximize the effects of HIIT, you should make sure you are exercising at your maximum capacity during the 30-second bursts of exercise.

It is safe to assume that your short workout bursts are too easy if you can maintain a high-intensity interval training workout for 30 minutes.

Your HIIT session shouldn’t continue after the first 15-20 minutes.


How Long Should a Session Be?

It is generally recommended that you work out for no more than 15 minutes.

Excessive training may result in catabolism (muscle breakdown), as well as overtraining.

The same applies if you do it too often.

Beginners need to avoid high-intensity workouts more than two days a week and no longer than 20 minutes per workout to ensure proper recovery.

People with intermediate or advanced fitness levels can do HIIT up to three times a week.

It should be considered that most athletes only do three to four HIIT sessions a week.


Does HIIT Build Muscle?

Muscles are metabolically active tissues. If you have more additional muscles, you will torch additional calories.

As a result of the tests and release of HGH, plus the extreme nature of HIIT, you end up building more muscle.

It all comes full circle because when you build more muscle, you can work harder and longer.

Continually eating this way will have a positive impact on your hormones.

In the next section, check out a few Testosterone Boosting Exercises At Home that we have listed below for you.


High-Intensity Interval Training and Testosterone

Some of the Best HIIT For Testosterone are listed below that you can take a shot of:


The hill sprint:

Yep, it’s running again! This time, it’s uphill. It’s much easier on your joints to sprint on an incline, regardless of whether you’re on a treadmill or climbing a hill.

Sprint for 20 to 30 seconds on a hill (or a treadmill). Slow yourself down by walking back down the hill or lowering the treadmill. Repeat 10 times.


Using sleds:

Improving your anaerobic conditioning in the gym is a great way to improve your fitness level.

Here, you’re looking for a super-intense burst of heavy pushing, at a weight of 70 to 85% of your maximum pushing capacity.

Do 4 to 5 rounds of pushing, resting for 3 minutes in between.


Bike sprint:

A stationary bike is needed for a bike sprint, which is similar to the basic sprint interval.

This workout will burn your quads and hamstrings (plus boost your T levels).

You should pedal for 30 seconds at a reasonable pace with some resistance. You should then slow down your pedaling for one minute.

Depending on how fit you are and how long you plan on spending in the gym, you can repeat for 10 to 20 rounds.


Sprint interval:

One of the most straightforward HIIT workouts out there is the sprint interval. You can do it in the gym or outside.

Begin by jogging for three minutes, then accelerate into a sprint for fifteen to twenty seconds.

Following that, walk or work slowly for around a minute.

Sprints follow! For a sweaty 15-minute workout, repeat this pattern for 10 rounds.


The Bottomline

You should be able to conclude from this article that HIIT benefits you in more than one way; it boosts testosterone levels, promotes fat loss, increases fitness levels, and helps prevent type 2 diabetes!

Instead of dreading running on a treadmill for hours, simply follow one of the workouts listed above for a much more efficient gym session.

Our recommendation is to consume an effective, natural testosterone booster supplement if you are really concerned about boosting your testosterone levels.

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